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Video Testimonial

I'm so grateful to have found Dr Peter Mester. I first met him for massage treatments and I was surprised to find that, after decades of getting massages, he is the first practitioner that my body doesn't resist in any way. His massages are deep and effective but not at all painful.

Then I discovered he's a ND skilled in many healing arts, which is likely why his massage is so effective as there is a wealth of body wisdom he brings to it. We began working with APN (Applied Psycho Neurobiology) and after only 2 sessions I'm noticing a big difference in my energy level and quieting that pesky inner voice that has been trying to derail me for years.

Now we're also focused on detox and supplements to boost my vitality and health. He's also guiding me in nutrition, exercise, and EMF protection. With Dr Peter's well-rounded approach to health including nutrition, fitness, detox, supplements, and even emotional healing, I consider him my primary physician.

With his guidance, as a talented and skilled ND, I hope to never need to visit an MD again. On top of all this, Dr Peter is genuinely a good human being with a big heart and a refreshing sense of humor. If you want to strip away all that you've built up over the years that is "not you" in order to be your "best you", Dr Peter is your man!


I am so happy I found Dr. Péter Mester. He has so much knowledge and he knew right away what was wrong with me and how to help me. Previously, I felt so sick I didn’t know what was wrong with me and it was scary..

Feeling lightheaded all the time, anxious, the list goes on. After one appointment with him, I had hope that I’m going to be okay, when previously I wasn’t so sure. I love how he wants to heal the whole body and knows how to. I didn’t realize how much heavy metals can affect everything. I have a lot of "things" going on in my body and even though it's kinda scary, Dr. Mester didn't make me doubt for one secondI am in good hands! He also introduced me to APN and I love it.

I had never heard of it before. It is so amazing how smart the human body is and what it can do and I’m so grateful for Dr. Mester for knowing so much about how the body works, more than any doctor, holistic or not, that I’ve seen. He explains everything so well and always answers any question I have. I have seen him 3 times and even after the 1st time I noticed a difference in how I was feeling. After doing the APN with him,

I noticed my emotions are a lot better and I have more energy, and I just feel happier and healthier. It’s hard to explain. But I am so happy to already be feeling better and know that I am actually going to be healthy again! I also have to say that Dr. Mester is a pleasure to be around. He has a great sense of humor and makes me feel very comfortable. I highly recommend seeing him and hope he can be my doctor forever!!


I saw Dr Mester for chronic Bronchitis which has been bothering me since early childhood and involved several emergency room visits. Dr Mester assessed my lungs and suggested that we do Applied Psycho Neurobiology (APN) as a primary treatment because he believed that trauma could be the source of my problem.

Dr Mester found that I was carrying a deep psychological trauma that I I inherited from my grandmother on my father's side. The specific feeling that corresponded to my lungs was "Unhealed Separation". Then, Dr M. began to investigate the circumstances around this issue, such as the time it happened and when this feeling entered my body etc. Based on his assessment, he was able to pinpoint through APN that my grandfather left for the war and never returned.

Thus, my grandmother was very heartbroken and possibly never able to recover from her Unhealed Separation. My body tapped into this issue which he explained as "trans generational trauma" which can be unconsciously "picked up" by family members and carried on, causing them to develop health problems like bronchitis.

After the APN session the issue seems to have ceased and I have only had two coughs since the treatment. I strongly recommend everyone with unresolved physical issues see Dr Mester. Your problem may be related or caused by these traumas we inherit.

I've done approx 10 APN's (Applied Psycho-Neurobiology with Dr. Peter over the past 2 years, I've felt relief emotionally each time, sometimes physical relief in the form of a calmer state.

Recently, we did a session where my bio feedback registered a strong emotional scar localized in my gall bladder, I knew this emotional scar has plagued me for the past 8 years or so but previously my biofeedback never brought it to the surface.

The following 2 days I felt real soreness in the gall bladder area specifically with general soreness throughout my abs. It was as if I had been hit hard in the area or done 300 ab crunches after not exercising for a year.

I'm thankful for Dr. Peter and the APN practice, I don't know how the emotional scar would've manifested down the road, organs are not meant to carry such burdens, APN has cleared the burden, thank you!


Dr. Peter Mester is amazing! I have been in so much pain due to a twin pregnancy, and I haven't been able to find any relief. After one massage from him, I felt like a new person. I will be continuing to get massages. Not only is he a great masseuse, he has an amazing soul. Very comforting!


Thank God for Dr. Peter! I was super blessed and surprised with a massage from my mom and I had Peter. Very deep tissue and intense .. but the best I have ever had and I am thankful. I hope I will be able to come back, cuz my neck, shoulders and back will thank me! Again ... many thanks to Peter!!! Joanna


Dr Mester is amazing. Very intuitive and knowledgeable. I came in for one particular pain and ended up finding out all kinds of surprising things about myself. He spent an enormous amount of time explaining and answering all my questions. I am very impressed and will be continuing to see him.


Dr. Mester gave a great deep tissue massage , he found some troubled areas in my neck and shoulder he recommended a prolozone injection on the spot without a appointment and I feel much better.



We did find about a 6 week old Kitty wondering about with muted shut eyes. Meanwhile my mother has serious grass and weed allergy.

When she becomes contact with grass, feeding the animals her eyes start to tear up and itch. Following Dr Mester,s protocol, the kitty in a few days opening his eyes and continues healing nicely.
My mom,s eyes stopped tearing and itching immediately. If you have any type of allergy you might want to try Dr Mester!


My wife and I read about the dangers of EMF radiation so we requested a Healthy Home Assessment. Dr. Peter Mester conducted the assessment and during our discussion, we found out he was trained by the world-renowned EMF expert,
Dr. Klinghart. Dr. Mester's knowledge and friendliness helped us understand the EMF world and how it's affecting our family.

He discovered an alarming level of electric radiation that was emitting from the wall near the headboard of our daughters' room. Who knows what sort of problems this could've caused years down the road if not corrected. We also found a high level in our office where my pregnant wife works on the computer.
The corrective measures were fairly easy and affordable, we now have extra peace of mind in our "healthy home".

-I also had a wellness check with Dr. Peter Mester he was fantastic. He walked me through the examination, explaining things as he went.

He correctly assessed the source of my 20 year battle with migraines which I was very grateful for. We came up with a detox schedule and program (affordable too). This healing journey of mine also included an APN session with Dr. Mester. My knowledge of Applied Psycho-Neurobiology was very limited but I read good things about it so I was willing to give it a try.

Dr Mester explained, how the body must detox in balance, addressing both the physical and emotional facets because the body keeps an equilibrium between stored physical toxins and psycho-emotional trauma. The session was Truly Mind Blowing! Dr. Mester discovered the root cause of a long-time issue, which couldn't be detected without using APN. I highly recommend Dr. Mester at Boise Remedy Center.


It’s always a pleasant experience whenever I have visited Boise Remedy Center. Everyone is so kind and helpful, yet very professional. I appreciate that they offer so many modes of healing, all under the same roof. I have taken on Dr. Péter Mester ND as my primary health practitioner. He has been helping me to regain my health and strength, from a point where I was about ready to just give up and die, to where I am now, which is a much stronger, less painful, more energetic state. We still have a ways to go, but I have confidence that he will help me back to an even better state of being than I have enjoyed for many, many years. Thanks, Dr. Mester!"

Auriona E

I came in to see Dr Péter Mester ND, LMT suffering from acute back pain after intense outdoor activity and long travel days. Dr Péter was easily the best I've ever had. He relieved my back pain, realigned my spine and left me feeling euphoric.


Dr Mester!
Thank you so much for working on my back tonight!
I look forward for future massages and visit you in your doctor's office as patient! I feel a lot better! I cant wait to work with you more! I already looked you up and you are the real deal!
The fact that you a doctor and care so much for your patients I feel so honored to be worked on by you. Thank you!


I can't think of a better way to ring in the New Year than by praising Dr Péter supports my goals in my healthcare and lifestyle. One visit from 2016 that highlights his approach and true care for his clients took place when I had scheduled to see Dr Péter for some deep body work due to significant neck and shoulder pain.

Dr Péter's ability to find the trouble spots and therapeutically work the muscles is unsurpassable and not for the faint of heart. If you are still searching for the perfect massage you need to schedule with Peter!

Not only has he provided some of the most therapeutic approaches that worked for me he also recognized that I could benefit from some additional treatment. My pain level entering the clinic that day was significantly reduced and put me back on track. Thank you Dr Péter! - My goal is to see you from a well being approach and reduce the need for treatment for symptoms. I truly believe he can help me achieve my goals.


I've had ok massages before, but Peter is a miracle worker. If you're looking for a strong deep-tissue massage for all that knots that the stresses of life bring your way, I highly recommend him. Let him know how much pressure you can handle to get the most out of it.


I am very grateful to Dr Péter for introducing me to Applied Psycho-Neurobiology, a process of emotional healing. Peter has been trained by the best in the world for APN and he knows what he is doing. It is a fascinating approach to emotional release and understanding of how our bodies physically harbor feelings. Thank You Dr Péter!


“Dr Péter was the greatest help to me and my family. He came to our house with his emf/microwave meters and other testing devices and was able to determine certain areas in my house that had electromagnetic field levels way beyond what is considered healthy. With that information, our electricians determined that the mainline water pipe under the house was magnetized — my bed was right over the water line. No wonder I was so fatigued all the time and sleeping above that magnetized water pipe just made things worse. The plumber was able to replace a small section of the metal water pipe out at the curb with PVC, which stopped the electrical current in the waterline. With that easy fix, our house regained healthy EMF levels and our health greatly improved. I wouldn’t have even known about the connection between EMF and health issues were it not for Peter’s guidance, testing and advice. Peter was very helpful in advising as to areas that may have high EMF levels and testing levels at all the beds and other areas where family members spend a lot of time. My family is very grateful for Dr Péter’s help.

J. P. H., D.C. Beverly Hills

Dr Péter exhibited high level of professionalism demonstrated by his punctuality, work attire, and grooming habits. He has an ability to focus on a problem area and work it out, whether using deep myofascial stripping or light touch massage.

He is able to accommodate and adjust his massage depth and his techniques for the individual. He has no doubt been an asset to our office, and my patients will miss him.I have enjoyed working with him and I expect that his new clients will as well.If you have any questions regarding his employment history, please feel free to contact my office.

Dr. A. S., DC Beverly Hills

Dr Péter is also was an excellent MT in my office and was always punctual, ready to give his best. He was well liked by all of our patients and was always empathetic toward their pain and discomfort. Out of all of the massage therapists that had over the years, He is by far the best in skills and professionalism.


Dr Péter is simply one of the most intuitive, informed and skilled massage therapists I have ever experienced. I have a background in holistic health and massage therapy; I could tell immediately that he far surpassed even some of the instructors and massage therapists that I have encountered in my past. He was able to discern within minutes the best approaches and modalities needed for the issues I presented to him. I encourage anyone who wants to have a life-changing massage that heals and renews to see Peter

Jan H. I was referred to Peter for deep tissue massage following an exacerbation of pain with oseoarthritis in neck and back. I have also had his full body Swedish massage. Dr Péter is very professional, respectful, attentive, and strong. I have had massages for over 30 years, and I put him in the top four massage therapists I have ever experienced. He really knows his profession. If you need help for physical problems, start with him. Just make sure to drink plenty of water!

Kristen O.

I have had issues with my back and neck for many years and as a result have had countless massages. I was lucky enough to get a massage today from Peter and it was bar none the best massage I've ever had. Dr Péter a master of deep tissue work and knew exactly where my problem areas were. I highly recommend him!

Charles V.

"I've been seeing him for over one year on a weekly basis. He is intuitive and talented, both gentle and strong, he understands the body and how to make you feel as you just had the most amazing and healing treat. After seeing him it's hard to see anyone else, I can honestly say that this is the best massage treatment I had ever had. I highly-highly recommend him!"

Claudia F.:

Dr Péter was very nice, asked about my pain issues and what I wanted from the massage, and I made sure I asked for deep tissue. His basic warm up was much firmer and more vigorous than any I've ever had, and I admit I wasn't sure what to think about that. Concern? Delight? Nervous anticipation?

His deep tissue massage is NO JOKE. It was by far the best deep tissue I've had. Period. He really dug in where I needed it, and had great technique. He'd find a knot, and not just go over it, he'd pause there, and then go THROUGH it. It was just what I needed for the chronic back and upper trap issues I have. Of course, he'll back off the pressure when you ask, but if you can take it, let him do his thing.

Seriously, if you love an intense deep tissue, see him. Not for wimps!

Flower F.:

I made the appointment with him, I think he is from some part of Europe judging by his accent. This guy has a very healthy and strong appearance and actually he took the time to listen to my concerns. He listened closely to my inquiries.. He only asked me one question at the very beginning of the massage. He asked if I like strong deep tissue or lighter deep tissue. I told him I like very deep. He said, Ok, just let him know if he goes too deep, because he can go really deep.

Oh Boy... His warming up technique was already very firm and I immediately started to loosen up. This guy believe me, gives an unbelievable massage. He took care of my shoulder and neck like nobody ever before. I dont know where he's from, who sent him, where he's got his skills, but his body work is exceptional. Even massage therapists In Hawaii hotels which we used to go to visit for vacation every year cant compare to his skill. The leg massage he gave me was also excellent, I never had anybody doing my thighs like that. Ok, so the next time he talked to me during massage was when he asked me to turn over to my back. He did not chit-chat, he was just focusing on my nuts and tight areas.

Monica L:

Tonite, I had him as my massage therapist for a deep tissue. He was very good. He probably gave me the best neck massage I've ever had. And I've probably had over 100 massages by now, every two weeks or so. I've been to Burke Williams numerous times, Grand Hyatt, Four Seasons, etc. He is very strong , but you tell him it hurts and he stops immediately. He gives an outstanding thigh massage too. In the past, all the therapist keep trying to go up and down my IT band and that thing is tight and I just want to scream, but he does a good rhythmic but strong rub. his back massage was very strong, used his elbows up and down the back a lot; His technique on the whole is very good. He also respects your silence and does not try to chat you up.