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(Based on the pioneering work of Dr Paul Eck at The Eck Institute of Applied Nutrition and BioEnergetics)

Fee $150. Includes your initial report as on sample below and a 30 minutes Consultation.

Hair sample can be mailed to us from anywhere in the world.!

Metals attach themselves only in places that are programmed for attachment of metal ions. Mineral deficiency provides the opportunity for toxic metals to attach themselves to vacant binding sites. A healthy mineral base is a prerequisite for all metal detox attempts (selenium, zinc, manganese, germanium, molybdenum etc.).

Substituting minerals can detoxify the body by itself. Just as important are electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium), which help to transport toxic waste across the extracellular space towards the lymphatic and venous vessels.

Without the proper individualized diet and mineral supplementation the body will not succeed in healing.

The Klinghardt Axiom
"The body always strives to achieve equilibrium between stored unresolved emotional issues, toxins storage and the presence of pathogenic microbes.

The reverse Axiom: A Patient can not be "detoxed" beyond the degree to which also emotional issues are released.
The body burden of stored toxins predicts the presence of pathogenic microbes: The immune system cannot achieve dominion in contaminated body compartments. Microbes grow and prosper proportional to the amount of toxins stored."

Hair analysis is an invaluable screening tool which allows a correct program of diet and supplementation to be designed for each individual's specific needs. Never before has there been available a metabolic blueprint with such a degree of applicable scientific accuracy.

This trace mineral analysis is a test which measures the mineral content of your hair. Mineral content of your hair reflects the mineral content of your body tissues. If a mineral deficiency or excess exists in the hair it is usually indicates a mineral deficiency or excess in the the body or bio-unavailability.

Various mineral imbalances, as revealed by hair analysis frequently lead to metabolic dysfunctions before any symptoms become manifest.

Why test for minerals? Minerals are the "spark plugs" of life. They are involved in almost all enzyme reactions within the body. Without enzyme activity, life ceases to exist A trace mineral analysis is preventive as well as being extremely useful as an overall assessment.

-White spots on nails -indicates Zinc deficiency

-Longitudinal ridging in nails indicates Iron deficiency

-Brittle hair and nails indicates calcium and Copper imbalance

-Deep grooves across the nail- indicates Calcium def.

-Lack of growth - Zinc def.

-Mood swings possible toxic metal burden (Mercury, Aluminum, Lead, Cadmium, etc)

The above signs can be an early sign of metabolic disturbances and may lead to serious problems left unchecked.

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Healthy Home Assessment
